Average Learning Manager Salary

The average Learning Manager salary in UK is £33,881.13
The hourly average pay for a Learning Manager salary in UK is £16.29
The starting salary for a junior Learning Manager in UK is £22,277.00 per year or £10.71 per hour

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What does a Learning Manager earn?

Learning Managers typically earn around £33,900 per year in the UK. They are responsible for providing educational support, from designing and delivering lessons to analysing students' progress and ensuring they reach their targets. Learning Managers often take an active role, finding innovative ways to engage students, promoting independent learning, and setting challenging tasks. To excel in the role, they should be technological savvy and able to create engaging, interactive learning experiences.

How to earn more as a Learning Manager

"To become a Learning Manager, you will need to have experience working in education, teaching or management. You could gain this through a degree in education or a related field. To further your career you can become a Qualified Learning Manager, by taking further qualifications. You may also wish to consider a postgraduate-level qualification in education to open up more senior roles. The best Learning Managers earn in excess of £53,700 a year".

Average Salary: £33,881.13

Min: £22,277.00 Max: £53,747.00

Average Learning Manager Salary in UK : £33,881.13

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Learning Manager Salary data from the ONS




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Salary by Region

Compare Learning Manager salaries across different regions

Region Salary
Scotland £37,669.19
Wales £32,002.19
Northern Ireland £21,793.68
East Midlands £31,274.77
Eastern £33,396.62
London £37,395.14
North East £31,139.29
North West £33,382.56
South East £28,889.21
South West £32,099.55
West Midlands £33,991.23
Yorkshire and the Humber £33,111.45

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Understanding the Average Learning Manager Salary in the UK

As a Learning Manager in the UK, it's important to have a clear understanding of the average salary in this field. According to average Education salaries, the average salary for a Learning Manager in the UK is £33,900 per year. This figure can vary depending on factors such as experience, qualifications, and location.

Salary Expectations for Newly Qualified Learning Manager

If you're a newly qualified Learning Manager, you may be wondering what salary you can expect. To get a better idea, you can explore the current job market by conducting a job search specifically for Learning Manager positions in the UK. This will give you an insight into the salary range for entry-level positions in this field.

Salaries for Experienced Learning Manager

For experienced Learning Managers in the UK, salaries can be significantly higher than those for entry-level positions. With a proven track record and extensive knowledge in the field, you can expect to earn a higher salary. The exact salary range for experienced Learning Managers will depend on various factors, including the size and reputation of the organization you work for, as well as your own skills and expertise.

Creating a Learning Manager CV

When applying for a Learning Manager position, having a well-crafted CV is essential. To help you create an impressive CV, you can use a CV template specifically designed for Learning Managers. This template will guide you in highlighting your relevant skills, qualifications, and experience, increasing your chances of securing the job.

Career Development Opportunities for Learning Manager

As a Learning Manager, there are various career development opportunities available to you. Whether it's pursuing further education, obtaining additional certifications, or taking on leadership roles within your organization, there are many ways to advance your career. To explore these opportunities and gain valuable career advice, you can consult resources specifically tailored for Learning Managers in the UK.

Comprehensive Compensation for Learning Manager

Being a Learning Manager involves more than just a salary. Comprehensive compensation packages often include additional benefits such as healthcare, retirement plans, and paid time off. These benefits can significantly enhance your overall compensation and contribute to your financial well-being.

Strategies for Increasing Your Salary as a Learning Manager

If you're looking to increase your salary as a Learning Manager, there are several strategies you can employ. These include continuously updating your skills and knowledge, taking on additional responsibilities, and demonstrating your value to the organization. By consistently delivering exceptional results and showcasing your expertise, you can negotiate for a higher salary and advance in your career.

Professional Development and Earnings

Investing in your professional development as a Learning Manager can have a direct impact on your earnings. By attending conferences, workshops, and training programs, you can acquire new skills and knowledge that will make you more valuable in the job market. This, in turn, can lead to higher earning potential and greater career opportunities.

Capitalising on Extra Hours and Duties

As a Learning Manager, there may be opportunities to take on extra hours or duties that can increase your earnings. This could involve leading special projects, providing training to other employees, or taking on additional responsibilities within your organization. By capitalizing on these opportunities, you can not only enhance your salary but also gain valuable experience and further develop your skills.

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We believe people should have access to all salary data to help them to make informed life decisions at every juncture in their careers. Whether you are a school leaver, recent graduate, considering changing jobs, moving to a new location, or salary benchmarking you can make better decisions if equipped with our salary insight.