Average Construction and Maintenance Painter Salary

The average Construction and Maintenance Painter salary in UK is £34,984.61
The hourly average pay for a Construction and Maintenance Painter salary in UK is £16.82
The starting salary for a junior Construction and Maintenance Painter in UK is £22,880.00 per year or £11.00 per hour

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What does a Construction and Maintenance Painter earn?

Construction and Maintenance Painters typically earn around £35,000 per year in the UK. This role generally involves preparing surfaces, such as walls and ceilings, before painting them. Painters and decorators may also apply specialist finishes like staining and varnishing and occasionally be involved in the repair and maintenance of existing surfaces. A high level of detail in this profession is required, with complex decorative paint effects, designs and colour combinations being used to meet the customer's requirements.

How to earn more as a Construction and Maintenance Painter

To become a Construction and Maintenance Painter, you will need to complete a recognised apprenticeship scheme. Alternatively, you can gain experience and qualifications in relevant subjects and work your way up the career ladder. To earn more as a Construction and Maintenance Painter, you can look for supervisory or management roles, or go into specialised painting with hazardous or hard-to-reach surfaces. You may also decide to become self-employed and offer a Painting and Decorating service to businesses or homeowners. The best paid Construction and Maintenance Painters make over £43,600 a year.

Min: £22,880.00 Max: £43,638.00

Average Construction and Maintenance Painter Salary in UK : £34,984.61

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Construction and Maintenance Painter Salary data from the ONS




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Salary by Region

Compare Construction and Maintenance Painter salaries across different regions

Region Salary
Scotland £36,275.09
Wales £30,231.24
Northern Ireland £26,780.92
East Midlands £33,930.18
Eastern £37,183.77
London £34,564.97
North East £35,358.07
North West £32,725.64
South East £35,083.53
South West £36,862.43
West Midlands £33,174.14
Yorkshire and the Humber £33,164.19

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Understanding the Average Construction and Maintenance Painter Salary in the UK

As a Construction and Maintenance Painter in the UK, it's important to have a clear understanding of the average salary for this role. The average Construction and Maintenance Painter salary in the UK is £35,000 per year. This figure can vary depending on factors such as experience, location, and the size of the company you work for. To get a better idea of the salary range for this role, you can refer to the average Construction salaries in the UK.

Salary Expectations for Newly Qualified Construction and Maintenance Painter

If you're a newly qualified Construction and Maintenance Painter, it's important to have realistic salary expectations. Entry-level positions in this field typically offer a salary range of £22,900 to £43,600 per year. To explore job opportunities and find out more about the salary expectations for newly qualified Construction and Maintenance Painters, you can refer to the job search section.

Salaries for Experienced Construction and Maintenance Painter

Experienced Construction and Maintenance Painters in the UK can expect higher salaries compared to their entry-level counterparts. With a few years of experience under your belt, you can earn a salary ranging from £22,900 to £43,600 per year. The exact salary will depend on factors such as your level of expertise, the complexity of projects you handle, and the reputation of the company you work for.

Creating a Construction and Maintenance Painter CV

When applying for a Construction and Maintenance Painter position, having a well-crafted CV is essential. A CV that highlights your skills, experience, and qualifications can greatly increase your chances of landing the job. To help you create an impressive CV, you can refer to the CV template specifically designed for Construction and Maintenance Painters.

Career Development Opportunities for Construction and Maintenance Painter

As a Construction and Maintenance Painter, there are various career development opportunities available to you. You can choose to specialize in a specific area of painting, such as decorative painting or industrial painting. Additionally, you can pursue further qualifications and certifications to enhance your skills and increase your earning potential. To explore different career paths and get valuable career advice, you can refer to the career advice section.

Comprehensive Compensation for Construction and Maintenance Painter

Aside from the base salary, Construction and Maintenance Painters in the UK may also receive additional compensation. This can include benefits such as health insurance, pension plans, and paid time off. The comprehensive compensation package will vary depending on the company you work for and the industry you're in.

Strategies for Increasing Your Salary as a Construction and Maintenance Painter

If you're looking to increase your salary as a Construction and Maintenance Painter, there are several strategies you can employ. These include gaining additional certifications, expanding your skill set, taking on more responsibilities, and seeking out higher-paying projects or clients. By continuously improving your skills and demonstrating your value, you can negotiate for higher salaries and better opportunities.

Professional Development and Earnings

Continuing professional development is crucial for Construction and Maintenance Painters who want to stay competitive in the industry and increase their earnings. By staying up-to-date with the latest painting techniques, materials, and industry trends, you can position yourself as an expert in your field. This can lead to higher-paying projects and opportunities for career advancement.

Capitalising on Extra Hours and Duties

As a Construction and Maintenance Painter, there may be opportunities to earn additional income by taking on extra hours or duties. This can include working overtime, taking on specialized projects, or providing consulting services. By being proactive and taking advantage of these opportunities, you can boost your earnings and further establish yourself as a valuable asset in the industry.

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We believe people should have access to all salary data to help them to make informed life decisions at every juncture in their careers. Whether you are a school leaver, recent graduate, considering changing jobs, moving to a new location, or salary benchmarking you can make better decisions if equipped with our salary insight.