Assembler Salaries

Average Salary: £15,153.73

Min: £11.00 Max: £34,314.00

Average Assembler Salary in UK: £15,153.73

We reveal the average Assembler salaries in the United Kingdom and how experience, industry, region, and city affect your earning potential.

The average Assembler salary is £15,154.
Working in Assembler you can earn between £11 and £34,314.
The starting salary for junior Assembler jobs is £11.
The hourly pay range for Assembler jobs is £0.01 to £16.50.

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Starting Assembler Salary

If you are starting your career in Manufacturing, then it is inevitable that your base salary will fall below the average Manufacturing salary. 

Negotiating your starting salary

However, you may be able to negotiate a more competitive salary if you have relevant qualifications or transferable skills. When negotiating your starting salary, focus on useful experience gained during academic modules and projects, and part-time or full-time work in another field.

Assembler Highest Salary Per Year

The highest Assembler salary per year will go to those with significant experience working in the Manufacturing industry. Age and experience level set a salary trend where the highest salary is achieved during the individual’s 30s, which is then maintained during their 40s. 

Salary declines

The average Assembler salary range begins to drop during people’s 50s, for various reasons such as redundancy, late-career changes, and as the industry itself changes due to technology advancements and broader world issues.

Annual Salary by Assembler Location

The average total compensation for an Assembler varies significantly across the United Kingdom. Your salary estimates should be higher if you intend to work in London and its surrounding region. If you can’t or don’t want to commute into London, other large cities offer excellent earning opportunities. 

How to Earn More as an Assembler

Gaining additional qualifications and putting in years of work are assured routes to earning more as an Assembler. However, there are many other ways to earn a higher wage.

Work more hours or non-standard hours

It almost goes without saying that you will earn more if you work full-time, instead of part-time. Overtime will increase your total hours, and some employers offer a higher hourly rate for overtime, mainly if the hours are during undesirable times, such as in the evening, night, or weekend. If shift work is a possibility, then you should expect a higher hourly rate.

Choose an Assembler job where salary is linked to performance

Choosing an employer that pays a commission or a performance bonus can significantly lift your annual compensation. A busy role is the key to success here, so you might need to find an inner-city employer to maximise your earning potential.

Research related jobs

If you have reached your salary pinnacle as an Assembler, it may be time to look at related roles. You will likely have gained the experience you need to shift your career direction or consider working as a freelancer or consultant.

Ask your employer for a raise

Asking your employer for a raise can seem daunting. Before you start a salary conversation, consider why you deserve a pay raise. Evidence is vital and persuasive, so it helps to collate performance figures, certificates, recognition, and awards.

Assembler Salaries by Region

Compare Assembler salaries across different regions

Region Salary
East Midlands £14,731.74
Eastern £13,266.21
London £18,048.28
North East £16,725.36
North West £15,067.55
Northern Ireland £16,485.74
Scotland £16,015.48
South East £16,655.73
South West £15,012.94
Wales £16,180.72
West Midlands £14,508.85
Yorkshire and the Humber £12,358.45

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Assembler Salaries