What To Consider Before Taking A Job Offer
  • By Check-a-Salary
  • Updated Thursday 10 th August 2023

What To Consider Before Taking A Job Offer

Job offers are usually the result of professional development, and if accepted, will become the next step in your career progression. The job offer may be for an internal promotion, from an existing employer, or be external, in the form of a new job. The job offer’s accompanying benefits package and terms of employment could have a far-reaching effect, from your finances to your personal life and job satisfaction. Therefore, accepting a job offer should be an informed decision.

In this article, we explore all aspects of what to consider before taking a job offer, including the following:

  • What should I expect in a job offer?

  • How to get a better job offer

  • How do I know if I am asking for too much?

  • How to say no to a job offer

What Should I Expect In A Job Offer?

What Should I Expect In A Job Offer

Job offers from your current employer or the hiring manager of a potential employer will typically follow a Job Offer Template. The elements within form the basis for your decision. However, other important considerations will help you decide if this is the dream job you will enjoy completing or a poor match that will have you looking for a better deal in a few months.

We have brought these together, and below are all the significant factors to consider before accepting a job offer:


The job title for your new position is a good starting point in deciding if this is the right job offer. The job title is a representation of your status, stature, and seniority in the company and can represent substantial value in showing your career progression and setting you up for future promotions or a new job offer.


The main financial benefits of compensation packages are the base salary and (possibly) commission structure. The salary must support your financial needs and will ideally be higher than your current wage. 


Employee benefits don’t stop with the basic compensation package. A generous benefits package could include investment options such as profit sharing, stock options, and a vesting schedule. Other benefits that are important factors include health insurance and retirement plans. 

Vacation time, family leave (paid time and unpaid time options), and sick pay should also be covered in the offer letter, and carefully considered when determining if you have an employer match. 


You will have discussed job duties and responsibilities during the interview process and these are important factors in determining your professional happiness. They may be presented to you in a formal job description, and you should ask yourself if they will keep you interested, engaged, and challenged.


A company’s culture and the attitudes of potential co-workers will again determine your professional happiness. Most companies have a career advice and employment page on their website, giving insights into their values, mission, and workplace policies. Ask yourself if you want to work in a relaxed atmosphere or an environment with a more traditional approach to the work day.


Your current position or a previous job can provide a good benchmark for assessing job offers from potential employers. What are the strengths of staying with your existing company or moving to a new employer? 


Whether your prospective employer can provide substantial career advancement is vital if you are looking to fast-track your career path. You should consider the industry and professional field, networking opportunities, and other employee benefits, such as if the company will cover your tuition fees if you want to gain new qualifications. 


The onboarding process should be memorialised in the offer letter and include the start date and pertinent information, such as if there is a certain period of training or probation.


Work-life balance is a perfectly acceptable topic of discussion for the modern workforce. Things that may affect your work-life balance include the length of your daily commute and total work hours. Will your new company and job permit some remote working hours, or does the company support a four-day work week, something many employees and employers have trailed and embraced?


It is ideal to have met your new boss before accepting a job offer, allowing you to assess their management style/leadership style. However, you can also discover what it is like to work for a new company through previous employees, who post reviews on employer review sites. The last person to work for a company may not always have the best employer opinion, so read several reviews and looks elsewhere too, such as employee engagement and feedback on social media.


Company stability is something to consider when reviewing a job offer. On one side, a large company may be stable and offer secure employment. On the other side, a small company could offer rapid career progression, if it is innovative and successful, but it could also fail and leave you without a job.

How To Get A Better Job Offer

Get A Better Job Offer From A Prospective Employer

A new job offer isn’t always a take-it or leave-it situation. If a job or company appeals to you, but the benefits don’t quite stack up, it is time to enter pay negotiations. In our guide on How To Ask For A Pay Rise, we walk you through the steps of negotiating and justifying and better job offer and salary.

How Do I Know If I Am Asking For Too Much?

How Do I Know If I Am Asking For Too Much

Salary benchmarking is the process of assessing what salary offer is appropriate. You can check the average salary for any job title, and our salary data includes the minimum and maximum salaries for different age brackets and professional experience. Furthermore, you can explore the highest-paid jobs in the UK, make a UK job search, and learn the best answer for what are your salary expectations?

How To Say No To A Job Offer

How To Turn Down A Job Offer

Knowing how to respond to a job offer email is crucial. You can use a formal Letter for Declining a Job Offer. Such a template communicates professionally and respectfully with the company and sets the right tone and impression. After all, this job and job offer may not meet your expectations today, but future opportunities with that employer have an uncanny knack for coming back around!

Job Offer FAQs

Job Offer FAQs

Next, we answer you job offer questions.


Before accepting a job offer, consider the benefits package, including salary and perks such as health insurance, stock options, and a retirement plan. Also, contemplate all the points we highlight in our review of what to expect in a job offer.


Salary is the most important criteria for many employees, but this isn’t always the case as things, such as work-life balance, become increasingly important later in your life and career. Write down the things you consider as non-negotiable, and you will be set to make an informed decision.


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