• By Check-a-Salary
  • Posted Tuesday 23 rd January 2024

How to Become a Game Tester?

If you are interested in playing games for a living, then maybe you should think about becoming a games tester at online casinos. This is an occupation that allows you to work closely with game programmers and other technical members of the development team. If you enjoy working with electronics, this type of job choice could be right for you. There is undoubtedly a demand for quality game testers, and as this type of industry is only increasing, it is a wise occupational choice. Through this article, we will discover more about this job occupation and which industry has the highest demand.

Which Industry has the Highest Demand for Game Testers?

Game testers can be found in different areas of the gaming industry. You are able to find jobs as game testers throughout all of them. It just depends on which area you prefer. We shall take a closer look at each type of game testing and discuss the demand for each.

Casino Industry

The casino industry has a very high demand for game testers. This is because of the number of the best paying slot sites available in the UK and all over the world. When you search for online casinos, you will find thousands of sites, and each platform can feature thousands of casino games and their RTP rates. As you can imagine, a Game Tester plays an important role on these gaming platorms. People who fill these roles can also be called QA, which stands for quality assurance. There will always be a requirement for QA as they provide software testing processes for the quality control of video games.

Mobile Games

Nowadays freedom and flexibility are crucial to gamers around the globe. There are more mobile casino sites available now than ever before. Because of the demand for mobile gaming, game testers are even busier. Games played through your mobile device are more intricate and detailed, because of the smaller format required.

Using HTML5 technology mobile games can bring an online casino to life, through your Android phone. Game testers need to make sure that these games are bug-free. The job in this department is to fix errors and broken elements. It is important to experiment with in-game settings and features to search for errors. There is a high demand for Game Testers to work on mobile games nowadays too.

Video Game Industry

With millions of new video games being created and produced every month, a game tester in the video game industry is essential. In this role, a video game tester will check for any bugs before the game is released. The role includes giving as much feedback as possible to the developers and the rest of the team on how to improve the game.

Testing the new game releases before anyone else is one of the perks of this occupation. You have to remember that when you are in this occupation, it is not all about playing video games all day; you have to work long hours, and deadlines need to be met. This is why a video game tester plays one of the most important roles in the game development industry.

Required Skills and Qualifications

Some various skills and qualifications can certainly be helpful in this job role. It would be beneficial to earn a high school diploma or GED. You must have a love for playing video games as this is what you will be doing the majority of your time. If you have a college degree in video design or have worked in quality assurance, these will be beneficial.

If you aim to become a game tester it is an advantage if you are a good communicator. You will be working within a larger team and communication will be required. As becoming a game tester is a competitive market, qualifications will certainly help you. They are not essential but advantageous. Writing reports and sending emails on flaws and bug issues will be part of the job. This is why good administrative skills are needed too. 

Becoming a Game Tester: Key Steps

If you think becoming a game tester is a suitable occupation for you, these steps can get you closer to your dream.

  • Make sure you are upgrading your gaming practice.

You want to become a more intentional gamer by playing different types of games. This could include real-time strategy, multiplayer battles, sports, and gambling. You also want to play on different consoles, mobile phones, and laptops. Practice expressing your gaming experience in words.

  • Gain technical skills.

Learn the basics of game testing by searching for bugs and glitches. It is important you can recommend improvements to programmers on the latest games. Learn QA terminology like code release, performance testing, and playtesting. You will need to learn technical writing and strategic thinking.

  • Build a Resume.

Show off all your skills in a well-put-together resume. You can add any qualifications, certificates, and education you have earned. If you have been involved in any public beta tests, list the games. Add any glitches and bugs that you have found and the gameplay features you assessed. All this information will be useful to an employer and can be added to your resume.

  • Apply for a Game Tester job.

Search through the various job sites for vacancies. You can search using websites like Glassdoor and Indeed. It is also a good idea to search using Gaming Jobs Online or Hitmarker.


As millions of people turn to online gaming sites as well as online casino sites, a game tester is looking like a solid job position. In this position, you get to play the latest releases before anyone else and make them better. You will work in a team that supports each other, and your goal is to improve every gamer’s experience online. If this is something that appeals to you, then becoming a game tester could be your path.


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