High Paid Jobs By Region

High Paid Jobs By Region

Securing one of the highest-paying jobs in the UK or a good average salary is the goal of many career-minded professionals. Many things can affect your average salary but one of the most prominent is the region in which you choose to work. 

So, if you are hunting down high salaries, you will certainly need to research the regions that offer high-paid jobs for your chosen or planned profession.

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Highlights And Key Takeaways:

  1. Regions offering the best paying jobs include London, East Midlands, West Midlands, and Isle of Man.

Regions With The Best Paid Jobs In The UK

Regions With The Best Paid Jobs In The UK

If you want to target the highest-paid jobs in the UK, and you have the flexibility to relocate or commute, then knowing which regions have the most high-paying jobs is invaluable.

These are the top 10 regions offering the highest average salary range:

  1. London

  2. East Midlands

  3. West Midlands

  4. Isle of Man

  5. Yorkshire and the Humber

  6. Eastern

  7. South East

  8. North West

  9. Scotland

  10. North East

You can view the average salary for all regions in the UK here.

Highest Paying Jobs By Region

Highest Paying Jobs By Region

You may be wondering which regions have the best-paying jobs for your profession or study subject. Below, you can view our job market data and the regional average salary to help steer you towards the highest salaries in any high-paying career:

How Much Can I Earn?

What Affects Average Salary

The region is not the only factor that determines how much you can earn in a high-paying job. The following factors, some of which you can influence, might affect your annual salary potential.


As we age, it's a well-known fact that we accumulate more experience, which typically results in a higher average salary.

Newcomers to the workforce, who have recently graduated from school, usually enter the job market in lower-paying jobs due to their lack of work experience. However, graduates with a university degree or business-related degree can expect a better-starting salary due to their advanced education.

But it's not until our thirties that we typically hit our stride in terms of earning potential. By this time, we have obtained some experience as well as education and/or qualifications.

People in the age group of 40-49 typically hold the best-paid jobs, having accumulated more than 15 years of experience by this stage.

Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. In certain fields such as investment banking and finance overseeing investment portfolios, talented individuals may achieve significant earning potential at a young age. However, this is generally the exception rather than the norm.

The highest-paying jobs in the UK that require age and significant experience include Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Digital Marketing Directors, Tax Directors, Foreign Exchange Dealers, Business Analyst/Business Analysts, Financial Project Management professionals, Medical Doctors & Licensed Medical Practitioners, Marketing Managers, Engineering Managers, Bank Managers, Public Health Managers, Insurance Brokers, and other Chief Executives and Senior Managers.


Despite a significant decrease in the gender pay gap over the last two decades, regrettably, national statistics show there is still a discrepancy between men and women in identical positions. However, this is not the case in all industries, and numerous companies are making progress in ensuring jobs pay equally for the same role, regardless of gender.

Nonetheless, in specific fields, gender pay gaps still exist, which highlights the need to be conscious of it during salary negotiations. The most effective approach to determine if you are receiving a lower wage due to gender is to converse with your coworkers and be open about your earnings. This way, you can identify if your pay is lower solely because of your gender and address it with your manager to ensure you receive a fair or median salary.


Some industries require particular expertise and knowledge, usually evidenced by a relevant degree or undergraduate degree. The highest-paying jobs may require a medical degree, finance-related degree, accounting degree, or law degree.

The highest-paying jobs in the UK may also be available to individuals with particular personal characteristics or skills. A business may have a high demand for someone who can address business problems/solve business problems, direct business management, advise on market trends or IT operations, or provide tax advice.

Search For The Highest Paid Jobs In The UK

Search For Jobs With A Higher Average Salary

You can make a job search and find the highest-paying positions in the following job categories:

You can also find many high-paying jobs categorised as work from home jobs and part time jobs.

Networking Strategies To Secure The Best Paid Jobs UK

In securing top-paying jobs across the UK, leveraging one's professional network through strategic networking can be immensely beneficial. Platforms that list jobs, particularly those specialising in high-value sectors, are a treasure trove of opportunities. For those with a computer science degree, for instance, these job sites often list roles in the tech industry, which consistently rank amongst the top-paying jobs. Online and offline networking can uncover opportunities only sometimes advertised, providing insights into roles and companies that value highly specialised skills.

For professionals aiming at roles like advertising directors, where creativity and leadership are as prized as technical skills, understanding the landscape of advertised salaries can guide one's career strategy. Networking events, industry forums, and professional associations offer invaluable opportunities to connect with peers and leaders who can offer mentorship, advice, and insights into navigating the path to these high-earning positions. Engaging in these communities broadens one's professional network and deepens understanding of the dynamics influencing average advertised pay in the sector.

Furthermore, in an era where personal branding and digital presence play critical roles in career advancement, professionals should leverage LinkedIn and other professional networking sites to showcase their achievements and connect with potential employers. Sharing insights and engaging with content related to one's field can attract attention from recruiters and hiring managers looking for top talent. By strategically networking and positioning themselves in the right circles, individuals can significantly increase their visibility for the best-paid jobs in the UK, making informed decisions based on a comprehensive view of the market's advertised salaries.

Interviews With Recruiters

Our "Interviews with Recruiters" section delves into the insights and experiences of those at the forefront of hiring for the best-paying jobs. Recruiters stress the importance of leadership skills, highlighting that candidates who can demonstrate their ability to lead and inspire teams are often those who stand out for top-tier positions. While a university degree can open doors, a professional qualification in a specialised field can significantly enhance a candidate's appeal, positioning them as a prime contender for high-paying roles.

Recruiters also emphasise the evolving criteria for selecting candidates for the best-paying jobs. Beyond academic achievements, they increasingly value real-world experience and the ability to adapt and innovate within rapidly changing industries. This shift reflects a broader understanding that the most successful employees can leverage their knowledge and skills to drive tangible results.

Moreover, the conversations with recruiters reveal that networking and personal branding are crucial in securing high-paying positions. They advise candidates to actively engage with their online and offline industry to increase visibility and demonstrate their commitment to their professional growth. By understanding the nuances of what recruiters are looking for, from leadership skills to professional qualifications, candidates can better position themselves for the best-paying jobs available.

Cost Of Living Analysis

Our "Cost of Living Analysis" explores the relationship between geographic location, salaries, and the cost of living, specifically how these factors interact in regions like South West England. Despite the allure of the highest salary offerings in financial districts and among finance firms, it's crucial to consider how these figures stand up against the local cost of living. Full-time workers in areas with high pay often find their higher average pay cheques are balanced by the elevated costs associated with living near economic hubs.

This analysis provides a nuanced understanding of how the financial benefits of certain positions are influenced by regional living expenses. For example, a high-paying role in a major financial district might seem lucrative, but when the cost of housing, transportation, and general living expenses are factored in, the net income advantage may diminish.

Therefore, our section aims to equip professionals with the knowledge to make informed decisions about job opportunities. By comparing regions, such as South West England, with their respective costs of living and salary ranges, individuals can better assess the true value of offered salaries. This insight is invaluable for those aiming to maximise their financial well-being and quality of life, highlighting the importance of a comprehensive approach when considering relocation for work.

How To Ask For A Pay Rise

How To Ask For Better Paying Jobs

Employees, whether working part-time or full-time, may face challenges when requesting a salary increase to boost their earnings. While the process can be daunting and uncomfortable, proper preparation can lead to a favourable outcome and above average salary.

To facilitate this discussion, our report, How To Request A Pay Raise, offers a comprehensive guide on how to plan and negotiate a salary increase, providing you with the confidence to articulate your request and persuade your employer to offer the highest salaries. Ultimately, this can help alleviate financial hardships and enhance your quality of life and job satisfaction.

We also suggest perusing our resources on Factors To Consider Before Accepting A Job Offer and Should I Accept A Counter-Offer? for further guidance.

Highest Paying Jobs FAQs

Here we answer your questions on the regions with the highest-paid jobs in the uk.


The regions with the highest average salary and median salary are London, East Midlands, and West Midlands.


Parts of the UK around the capital and the East and West Midlands have the highest salaries.


You can read our report on How Much Can I Earn Working In Different Sectors to discover all the knowledge and statistics on this topic, including average salary information for private companies, and the accounting industry, legal sector, technology industry, and more.


A higher average salary can be a result of region/location, age/experience, gender, education (degree/diploma), and skills (ability to manage a company’s tax strategy or treat patients).

About the Author: Jonathan Rawlins

Jonathan's insights reveal the undeniable impact of salary inclusions in job adverts on their efficacy. Noting the rarity of salary details in certain job types, he is resolute in providing candidates with market benchmarks. This determines their worth and offers a solid foundation during salary negotiations.


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