Average Surveyor Salary Surrey

The average Surveyor salary in Surrey is £41,276.90.

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Salary Group: Surveyor
Average Salary: £41,276.90

Min: £21,500 Max: £67,500

Average Salary in Surrey: £41,276.90

Min: £22,500 Max: £68,250

Average salary in South East: £40,332.44

Min: £26,500 Max: £90,000

Average salary in England: £47,928.01

Min: £23,000 Max: £76,960

Average salary in UK: £43,198.09

Read about Surveyor salaries and related job and salary information across the UK

Salary by Region

Compare Surveyor salaries across different regions

Location Salary
Surveyor salary Scotland £39,812.54
Surveyor salary Wales £44,560.68
Surveyor salary Northern Ireland £37,671.90
Surveyor salary East Midlands £42,132.24
Surveyor salary Eastern £41,359.02
Surveyor salary London £51,192.89
Surveyor salary North East £37,325.03
Surveyor salary North West £41,765.61
Surveyor salary South East £40,332.44
Surveyor salary South West £40,015.98
Surveyor salary West Midlands £40,346.04
Surveyor salary Yorkshire and the Humber £37,224.69