Average Private Detective and Investigator Salary Nottingham

The average Private Detective and Investigator salary in Nottingham is £19,224.10.

Job Alerts: Sign up
Salary Group: Family Support
Average Salary: £19,224.10

Min: £17,784 Max: £20,600

Average Salary in Nottingham: £19,224.10

Min: £14,580 Max: £100,000

Average salary in Nottinghamshire: £45,172.20

Min: £21,205 Max: £33,294

Average salary in East Midlands: £28,401.39

Min: £22,880 Max: £42,500

Average salary in England: £29,011.23

Min: £22,880 Max: £41,500

Average salary in UK: £28,924.42

Read about Private Detective and Investigator salaries and related job and salary information across the UK