Average Phlebotomist Salary Lincolnshire

The average Phlebotomist salary in Lincolnshire is £24,169.45.

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Salary Group: Nurse
Average Salary: £24,169.45

Min: £11,700 Max: £33,280

Average Salary in Lincolnshire: £24,169.45

Min: £22,383 Max: £27,040

Average salary in East Midlands: £23,006.79

Min: £22,383 Max: £41,600

Average salary in England: £25,507.24

Min: £22,383 Max: £42,640

Average salary in UK: £25,912.96

Read about Phlebotomist salaries and related job and salary information across the UK

Salary by Region

Compare Phlebotomist salaries across different regions

Location Salary
Phlebotomist salary Scotland £23,943.00
Phlebotomist salary Wales £23,268.58
Phlebotomist salary East Midlands £23,006.79
Phlebotomist salary Eastern £26,672.52
Phlebotomist salary London £26,570.07
Phlebotomist salary North East £22,587.85
Phlebotomist salary North West £23,791.39
Phlebotomist salary South East £26,054.68
Phlebotomist salary South West £26,192.29
Phlebotomist salary West Midlands £25,957.89
Phlebotomist salary Yorkshire and the Humber £24,052.05