Average IT Auditor Salary Surrey

The average IT Auditor salary in Surrey is £35,114.05.

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Salary Group: IT Security
Average Salary: £35,114.05

Min: £7,000 Max: £48,500

Average Salary in Surrey: £35,114.05

Min: £7,000 Max: £47,000

Average salary in South East: £32,985.28

Min: £28,500 Max: £45,000

Average salary in England: £36,708.88

Min: £7,000 Max: £52,335

Average salary in UK: £32,996.92

Read about IT Auditor salaries and related job and salary information across the UK

Salary by Region

Compare IT Auditor salaries across different regions

Location Salary
IT Auditor salary Scotland £15,141.71
IT Auditor salary Wales £16,624.98
IT Auditor salary Northern Ireland £41,172.41
IT Auditor salary East Midlands £33,655.85
IT Auditor salary Eastern £33,699.76
IT Auditor salary London £46,633.55
IT Auditor salary North East £24,947.72
IT Auditor salary North West £28,750.15
IT Auditor salary South East £32,985.28
IT Auditor salary South West £30,943.60
IT Auditor salary West Midlands £26,985.45
IT Auditor salary Yorkshire and the Humber £29,989.13