Average Information Security Analyst Salary Guildford

The average Information Security Analyst salary in Guildford is £99,014.06.

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Salary Group: IT Security
Average Salary: £99,014.06

Min: £30,000 Max: £182,000

Average Salary in Guildford: £99,014.06

Min: £24,700 Max: £72,800

Average salary in Surrey: £46,919.52

Min: £22,500 Max: £73,000

Average salary in South East: £39,828.19

Min: £24,536 Max: £72,500

Average salary in England: £43,013.65

Min: £23,716 Max: £84,500

Average salary in UK: £45,759.22

Read about Information Security Analyst salaries and related job and salary information across the UK