Average Average Salary Sproatley

The average Average salary in Sproatley is £19,357.20.

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Average Salary: £19,357.20

Min: £10,645 Max: £27,000

Average Salary in Sproatley: £19,357.20

Min: £80 Max: £49,999

Average salary in East Riding of Yorkshire: £26,782.17

Min: £10,762 Max: £57,482

Average salary in Yorkshire and the Humber: £30,547.99

Min: £21,424 Max: £72,738

Average salary in England: £35,861.59

Min: £12,500 Max: £62,499

Average salary in UK: £32,641.60

Read about Average salaries and related job and salary information across the UK

Salary by Region

Compare Average salaries across different regions

Location Salary
Average salary Scotland £29,675.51
Average salary Wales £30,672.10
Average salary Northern Ireland £27,217.72
Average salary East Midlands £31,016.05
Average salary Eastern £32,154.14
Average salary Isle of Man £14,025.21
Average salary London £40,701.42
Average salary North East £30,016.75
Average salary North West £31,358.22
Average salary South East £31,938.17
Average salary South West £30,925.71
Average salary West Midlands £31,059.11
Average salary Yorkshire and the Humber £30,547.99